Unfulfilled Dreams
Have you ever had a perfect opportunity to fulfill a dream, only to have it slip though your fingers? Maybe it was just the wrong timing, or maybe you just didn’t follow it through enough. Whatever the reason, you now spend your days wistfully remembering the time you almost had it made.
Well, I recently had one of those experiences. It was just last week, in fact. The conditions were absolutely perfect. There I was, driving home in the foot of snow we had received. And there it was, right in front of me: the cursed rooster that wakes me up at 4:30 every morning all summer. The explanation would have been so simple. I hit my brakes but slid into the poor bird (struggling to suppress laughter). But alas, at the last second my courage (read: rage) failed me, and I allowed the demon spawn to live to torment me another day.