I Think You Exist; Therefore, You Do

Who is the fictional character you would most like to meet? Would it be a superhero like Superman? A fairy tale character like Humpty-Dumpty? A cartoon character like Bugs Bunny? Or would it be a live-action character played by an actor, like Balky from Perfect Strangers?

I don’t have an answer yet, but I’m going to give it some serious thought and post a comment later.


Todd said…
I would like to meet Sherlock Holmes sidekick Dr. Watson. I wonder what he is really like...
)en said…
ah.. i kind of hate to say it but will. Probably Gandalf.
Joel said…
I've decided that for purely selfish reasons I have to go with Santa.
Heidi said…
I know it isn't healthy to have "crushes" on fictional characters, but after seeing the new Superman, I tried to make myself dream about him. Oh and I have a "crush" on Edward from the Twilight Book Series. I would have to say I would like to kiss, i mean meet them..... ( And yes, my husband does know about these fictional crushes)
Kaitlyn said…
Carmen Sandiego. How do you freaking steal the freaking Eiffel Tower?

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