
It's not unusual to get mail for someone who used to live in your place. But there is a Justin Dixon who is apparently out there giving our address as a current address, even though it's been 7 or 8 years since he's lived there. We try returning the mail, writing "He doesn't live here, stupid! Stop sending us his crap!" on the envelopes, but the insurance companies and bill collectors seem to think it's just a ruse and keep mailing his things to us. Needless to say, if I ever meet this joker I'll have to do something awful to him while I'm still temporarily insane.


Unknown said…
I feel your pain. We continue to get mail for the previous owner of our home even though I am almost certain he has died by now. Every month I go down to the post office and hand them a fist full of mail that doesn't belong to us and tell them that I only want them to deliver mail with the name Mulford on it. They always make a note saying that they will give it to our carrier, but I never know if it actually gets to the carrier and they are just to lazy to sort through what mail is ours and what isn't or if the note just gets lost in the massive void that is the post office.
Maybe they are starting to get the hint, though. I don't think I've seen any mail for someone else in a couple of weeks. It only took 3 years for them to finally understand that I don't appreciate getting some old man's mail.
Joel said…
That brings to mind an interesting question: What if your last name was "Resident"?
Nathan Mulford said…
I will miss the meat catalog he use to subscribe to. By the way his last name was INKEEEEELY!
Heidi said…
You think that is bad.... I get a You think that is bad.... I get a phone call about once a day for Michelle Yearling. And I too know that she is giving out our phone number to people. We have had this phone number for over 2 years. It is really bad when the bill collector call wakes up the sleeping kids. It is also bad when the bill collector thinks that I am lying about “a wrong number." I found a Michelle Yearling that lives in Roy, and I am thinking about mailing her a letter saying: please stop using our phone number, if you are going to use a fake number for bill collectors, please chose somebody else’s. phone call about once a day for Michelle Yearling. And I too know that she is giving out our phone number to people. We have had this phone number for over 2 years. It is really bad when the bill collector call wakes up the sleeping kids. Or thinks that I am lying about "it being a wrong number." I found a Michelle Yearling that lives in Roy, and I am thinking about mailing her a letter saying: please stop using our phone number, if you are going to use a fake number for bill collectors, please chose somebody elses.
Joel said…
Wow, Heidi. The craziness of your situation has obviously given you two personalities, both of which are trying to comment simultaneously :)
Unknown said…
Nathan and I both have wrong phone number stories. I get a call about every other week from someone who calls herself "Grandma Betty". She seems to think that my phone number will reach her granddaughter and no matter how many times I tell her differently, she still keeps calling.

Nathan keeps getting calls both from and for someone named Margaret who we think might be in jail. One time it was Margaret calling collect and it said the call was from the jail. Other times, it has been crazy people calling asking for Margaret.
Lizzy said…
When we were in Buffalo we kept getting calls from bill collectors for our neighbor. We lived in a duplex and the address is the same, so they kept trying to say she was a roommate and the phone was put in our name. Apparently there is no end to the stupidity, or the relentlessness (is that a word?) of bill collectors.
)en said…
lol @ joel's comment. and i rarely lol. No, that's untrue. I laugh out loud but i rarely/never say 'lol.' but now is the time.

Those are funny stories. I wish i had some of my own to contribute. Mostly i'm just getting the brilliant idea to use some random phone number (not mine) when signing up for things so i'm not on some list that someone calls from all the time. Ha. But I guess i won't do that.
Kevin Lloyd said…
I always used to get mail for a dude named Chad Balls...it made me giggle every time.

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