Excuses, Excuses
I used to think that once I got married I would escape the majority of socially awkward situations, but sadly this has not been the case. How do you politely continue to turn down invitations issued by someone who is more than a little creepy? I won't elaborate on the situation in case this individual has some indirect connection to someone who reads this blog.
What's the worst excuse you have given or received from an invitation? My favorite was when I once asked a girl out and she told me she couldn't because her uncle was in town. That was awesome in its craziness. I mean, I had to give her props for originality.
What's the worst excuse you have given or received from an invitation? My favorite was when I once asked a girl out and she told me she couldn't because her uncle was in town. That was awesome in its craziness. I mean, I had to give her props for originality.
if you don't see him regularly, i would just ignore all efforts to contact you, especially if he seems unable to pick up on hints like many people are.
Well, I am sure I have given many-a lame excuse in my time. But I learned in my college years to just be frank with people. Ahhh i never felt so free.
Recently though, over the past 2-3 years i've had several confrontations with our neighborhood UPS man who kept asking me out/hitting on me(?) in weird ways. I kept saying i was married but he either didn't hear me, didn't understood, or chose not to hear/understand. Finally he responded in a way that showed me it registered with him, and he continued to invite me to parties. i feel this crosses the line of appropriate UPS man behavior. I ended up saying "No, i don't think so. Thanks though." (twice. TWICE!!) And now i just pretend to be on the phone when he comes. ha haha. good luck!
(the end)
More seriously, politely thank the individual but decline the invitation. You don't really need an excuse. Or you could just have Erin invite you somewhere instead and you're set!
About high school and the girl, it is such a crazy excuse that I agree with Erin that it was probably true. I know I wanted to say no to someone when my Grandparents were in town for 2 nights only.
Anyway, the best excuse I ever got was "I think maybe you should ask someone who wants to go". Seriously.
Also, I'll quit asking you to go to Taco Bell with me if you'll just give me my freaking burrito!