What Fun Is

This year I decided to continue an old tradition from my childhood. We used to go to Lagoon every year on my birthday, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to take the kids. We had Katie's brother and his girlfriend come with us, to help take turns with the kids so we could all go on some rides. Sam had been dying to ride a roller coaster, so we headed right for the old white one. He was pretty terrified during the ride, but thought it was great afterward. He felt the same way about the scary rides, mostly keeping his eyes closed. We all really enjoyed the train ride, and Rattlesnake Rapids. Katie had never been to Lagoon either, having only Disneyland as a point of comparison, but she really enjoyed it, although she didn't want to go on the really crazy rides. I enjoyed my old favorites like the Colossus and the Rocket, and the new coasters they added recently were great, especially Wicked. But the real surprise of the day was Allison. Out two-year-old is apparently quite the daredevil. Whereas Sam was asking if every ride would give him "that stomach feeling," Allison had this expression on the kid rides:

But on this ride, she was laughing.

Please excuse the 90-degree angle on the video. The point is that it's a fairly fast ride for a two-year-old to be on.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. We were there from 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., so we really made a day of it. It was probably the most fun I've had on my birthday since I was a teenager.


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