Set-Up Sister

I love discovering new facets of my kids' personalities. That recently happened with Allison.

She enjoys writing notes for people, and recently Katie's brother had sent the kids a bunch of Hot Wheels cars. So when she asked Katie to mail a letter she had written to him, it didn't seem that unusual. The odd thing was that she asked us not to read it.

Naturally, Katie read it. It was a note telling her (single) uncle how much he has in common with her teacher, suggesting he should take her on a date. We decided to go ahead and let her mail the letter, although we don't think the match would work for a number of reasons. The next day Allison's teacher texted Katie a photo of a hand-written note she had received from Allison with a similar message.

This is pretty adorable. Allison can be incredibly perceptive and wants everyone to be happy (unless it involves sharing her toys with Clara sometimes). She is focused on wanting to be a mom someday, and also currently aspires to be a paleontologist. I am 90% sure that I was her age when I wanted to be a paleontologist too.

Anyway, that's it.


Lori said…
Okay- too cute! Why aren't you a paleontologist then?

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