Handy Cap

I've probably mentioned this many times, but I'm not super handy. I enjoy trying to fix things when I can, but overall it's not a skill I have. Still, I occasionally make a minor repair to the car, glue broken toys back together, or sometimes just take things apart and put them back together to see if they are fixed (this has actually worked a few times).

A few weeks ago Katie noticed that our washing machine was leaking a little water on the floor. It's an old unit, but we had been told before that this model lasts forever, so we've never been inclined to replace it. I opened it up and as far as I could figure it was just a hose that was leaking. I ordered a news hose and put it on. But it was still leaking that little bit. I did more investigating and found that it's the "siphon break" which is a piece that attached the drain hose inside the washer to the one on the outside. So I ordered that as well.

The next day the new hose slipped off the pump because I hadn't tightened it well enough, and flooded the washroom. The water got out into the living room and seeped through the wall to our bedroom. It also went down the vent into the downstairs bathroom, where it seeped through into the hall and Sam's room.

Anyway, the result was our second insurance claim for water in as many years. Instead of saving maybe a couple hundred dollars it cost us our $1,000 deductible, and the insurance company is still fighting the restoration company about the repairs.

The moral of the story is... I have no idea. Sometimes everything is just terrible?


)en said…
Yeah. Sometimes everything is just terrible. That buh-LOWS.

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