A Vacation... from My Problems

Okay, that's a reference to What about Bob? Which is a movie that probably downplays the seriousness of mental illness, but nevertheless is a very fun watch.

Anyway, last week Samuel went to a young men's camp for three days. He's never been away from us more than just overnight before, and even then only a couple other times. So while he was gone, Allison was the oldest child, at 9 years old. It was interesting to sort of go back in time a few years so the problems you're dealing with as parents are different. Samuel deals with teenager issues now, so things that seem much more serious, particularly given his responsible personality. Allison, on the other hand, is still at the stage where it's about sharing her toys and eating dinner before dessert. So it was nice to have a bit of a break from the all-consuming existential crises of a teenager.

That being said, we were happy to have him back.


)en said…
I really appreciate your Hemingway-esque style of writing, Joel. Real, raw, straight to the point. When there’s nothing more to say, you’re done. You don’t drag it out. It’s over now.
Joel said…
I can't tell if you're gently mocking me or not, but I will accept the compliment. I used to think this was a handicap, but when looking at the work of other writers in my job, I have come to appreciate brevity.
)en said…
Ha! Upon reading, it totally sounds like I’m mocking you, but I think I’m mostly not! It’s definitely reminiscent of Hemingway which I admit was a bit of an acquired taste for me, but one I grew to appreciate and admire, so the compliment is real. And you’re right, brevity is golden, and often what I lack. Maybe concision should be my goal.

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