
Per our bi-annual custom, we went to Toquerville this year for Thanksgiving. We like trying out different places to stay in the area, and this time we decided to try a motel right outside Zion National Park. When we got there at 10:30 Wednesday evening, this was our first look at the view:

[caption id="attachment_1010" align="aligncenter" width="169" caption=""I'd like a room with a view of the big, dark blur, please.""][/caption]

While enjoying the sights (or unloading the car, anyway), I heard leaves rustling behind me.

[caption id="attachment_1001" align="aligncenter" width="169" caption="If you look closely at the center of the picture, you can see a darker blur."][/caption]

It was a deer that didn't really seem to care that I was there. I took a video of it on my phone, but it wasn't playing nice with WordPress. Anyway, the deer just calmly strode across the silent parking lot, munching leaves.

In the morning, here was the view.

[caption id="attachment_1004" align="aligncenter" width="169" caption="Not too shabby"][/caption]

The next morning I was signed up to run the Toquerville Turkey Trail Trot, along with Katie's brother. It was the third year in a row I have done a 5k on Thanksgiving morning. I think it's a fun tradition. Anyway, it was a surprisingly low 20 degrees out, with an Arctic wind blowing at 30 mph. It was unbelievable. Plus it's all running in sand and rocks and up hills. It was definitely the hardest run I've done.

[caption id="attachment_1002" align="aligncenter" width="169" caption="This was after the race. We weren't smiling, the wind just froze our faces like that."][/caption]

Then we had a lovely Thanksgiving. The weather got a little better just in time for us to leave, but at least we got home before the next snowstorm hit Saturday night.


CNA Training said…
Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

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