Write in Peace

I remember the first time I learned of the death of an author I enjoyed. It was Peggy Parish, who wrote the Amelia Bedelia books, as well as a series about 3 siblings who solved various mysteries. I was in elementary school at the time, and it just seemed unfair.
Next came news of the death of Roald Dahl, which was a crushing blow for humanity as a whole. I don't think that needs any further explanation.
Then, in late 2007, I learned that Robert Jordan, the author of the Wheel of Time series, had died before completing the 13th and concluding book of the series. So, after some 8,000 pages setting up the most intricate story conceivable, the series is being completed by another author.
And tonight I made another heart-breaking discovery. This time the author is Donald Westlake, author of some of my favorite books: a series of comic crime novels revolving around a character named John Dortmunder. I was checking Amazon.com in anticipation of the publication of Dortmunder's latest exploits when I learned that next month's release is to be his final caper. I feel as though I have lost a dear friend.


)en said…
man, so true about Roald Dahl who i immediately thought of when i began reading this. In fact, just yesterday i held up "Esio Trot" to Sean ("tortoise" backwards) and said, "see? see our mutual love of backward words? It's like we're the same person, me and Roald" and Sean said, "yes.. you have a lot in common with a womanizing fighter-pilot..." "I know!" i said.

i am sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
The worst I thought was when I read "Confessions of a Werewolf Supermodel" by Ronda Thompson. After finishing this funny great book, which was written as the first of a series, she died, before even making notes for a second novel, or before the novel was even published. How crappy is that. Books like that should come with warning labels.

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