2017 Whatever

I guess I usually do a year-end post of some kind, but it's been a little hard to figure out what kind of year 2017 was. And yet for some reason I don't feel like I should post anything else until 2017 is put to rest. So what you get is stream of consciousness!

Recency bias means things toward the end of the year are on my mind. I had a bit of an unusual health situation happen, and as a result I learned that I can give myself shots, at least when it's a pen-style syringe. Depending on what happens over the next few months I may post more about this, but for now this will do. But it has altered my perspective on things a bit.

I traveled to Dallas and Las Vegas for work conventions. I dislike being away from the family for five days at a time, but the change in schedule can be fun. I work with good people, and they make things run smoothly.

As far as running, the year was okay. I got in 800 miles (the goal was 1,000). I got a lot better at running up hills, and did climb over 1,000 feet during one 15-mile run. So I was proud of that. I had the goal of training for a marathon with a real training plan (I just made up my own plans in the past), but I injured myself the first time I tried the speed work because I wasn't used to it. So that didn't happen.

Samuel turned 12 in October, which is a big milestone in the LDS church. He's now considered a "young man" instead of just a child, and it's an interesting feeling as a parent to have a child on the edge of adolescence. He's a super kid, and I'm proud of who he is. Oh, he also got braces, which is sort of another rite of passage. He also started learning the trumpet in band at school.

There weren't any huge changes to us as a family. It felt largely like a year of treading water, managing four kids and various responsibilities with church, work, and so on. I wouldn't call it an easy year, and I think I'm glad to move forward.

In 2018 I expect more incremental growth rather than large changes. Allison will turn 8 in April, another LDS milestone because she'll be baptized. James will enter the terrible twos, and Sam will become a teenager and enter middle school. And that's all I can think of right now.

*end brain dump*


)en said…
Yeah, 2017 was a bit of a "bih" as I might have said in high school. I don't tend to view years as good or bad but people have pointed out things and I was like, you're right it kind of sucked. But good milestones w your children 🙌🏼 And good luck with your vague health issues. 😀 I thought abt New Years resolutions and so far have one: see more movies. It's going pretty well. I'm feeling pretty accomplished.

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