Musical Paranoia

There's a big music store in town that I drive by on my way to work. They have a piano showroom, and I think they rent instruments as well. This place always seems suspiciously busy to me. Whenever I pass by the store, whatever time of day, there are always more cars there than I would expect form a music store. I seriously wonder if it's some kind of front for a criminal enterprise. If we were still in prohibition days it would be the perfect speakeasy. But given modern society it's more likely a meth lab or something. Guess I'll start using the inside lane to pass by, just in case.


)en said…
Sounds to me like this might just be a happening place. Better go check it out.
)en said…
Ps. It's the stores that couldn't possibly have any success but are still in business that spark my suspicion. Like, clearly it isn't paying customers that are keepojg you afloat, so what is??

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