Are You Asking for a Challenge?

As part of a line of thought I’ve been entertaining lately, I have a request. I want to put together a list of the greatest advancements in technology (or anything that has really improved the quality of life for humanity as a whole) in the last 50 years or so.


Joel said…
Here are few examples:
Jer said…
Tivo will save your relationship.
Jer said…
Also, databases. The ultimate way to collect information.
Joel said…
Once I get a decent list, I promise to elaborate.
Lizzy said…
Seriously, has anything? I mean medical technology is fabulous. I will always grant that. But in the last 50 year years there really hasn't been anything new. Just many improvements on previous thoughts. And also look at the home. We have all these "time-saving" cleaning devices. Dish-washer, vacuum, washer-dryer, etc. yet, all they have done is destroy the community build up there was for helping one another. And also, pet peeve, define for me "quality of life"
)en said…
Last night I was discussing denim blue jeans and how that was the invention of a true genius.
Joel said…
Okay, if you want we can go all the way back to the 19th century. I was just hoping to keep it a little more simple.
Joel said…
BTW, "quality of life" means we're not living in a mud hut eating whatever we can kill by throwing rocks. It means we have piping hot tap water, washing machines, refrigerators, and the internet access to brag about these things.
)en said…
oh i forgot you asked for only the previous 50 years. well, i don't know.. this requires too much effort.
Heidi said…
Definitely Tivo, GPS, Cell Phone, Microwave oven, Blogs, Wii, Baby Swings, 24 hour kids channel. Well all of these things I love in my life, but other people would say they just complicate their lives or are trivial and not Life Changing. I beg to differ.
Erin Stones said…
My vote is for automatic flushing toilets!

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