
I just had a great idea. You know how kids are famously picky when it comes to food? Well, I realized that they’re much more discriminating than the FDA apparently is, given the rash of food recalls we’ve experienced recently. So we should team up each adult inspector with a toddler, and watch the quality of food products increase. Genius!


)en said…
i see a flaw. if we do that, might we not run the risk of eliminating everything but mac 'n cheese and hotdogs?
)en said…
not that i don't like those foods... i'm just saying. for variety's sake.
Jer said…
Except that while they can be extremely picky about foods we think they should like, they also eat things like bugs, dust bunnies, rocks, sticky candy that's been behind the couch, etc....
Joel said…
Bah. That's why we send the adult along with the toddler.
Jer said…
I'm just saying that adults and children seem to have very different ideas about what is good to eat. I hated tomatoes as a kid, but love them now. I know people that hated olives as children. Besides, I just like tearing down your ideas and dreams.

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