Mr. Stapler
I have the greatest electric stapler I use at work. At first I thought it was a weird luxury, but I really do staple a lot of things during the day. So when mine stopped working the other day, I was saddened and distressed. But it's back up and running today, after I tinkered with it (no, it was not just unplugged). Maybe I should name it. What's a good name for a stapler?
Mr. Stick-it. maybe that's better for tape?
Mr. Stapleson/Stapleton (<-- would work well if you had to replace him and then could name the others.. Mr. Stapleton III, for example)
Jaws of Death
Stew/Steve/Stan the Stapler
Baron Von Meistersinger
Robert Sandstrom
Harold Butcher
Larry Devonshire
Jim Baxtor
or something ordinary like
The Staplenator