
I'm all for getting a good deal, and I believe most items potentially have a longer life than we give them, so shopping for second-hand items is often a great idea.

There are, however, certain items that it's probably better to get new:

fire extinguisher





Anything else?


Erin Stones said…
I almost peed my pants when I read... denture! I think it is so funny because it reminds of a story from my husband's job. He now works for the Central Weber Sewer Improvement District (in other words... the poop plant) Anyway, to avoid a long story here's the short one, a few years ago an old lady contacted the plant about accidentally flushing her dentures down the toilet and wanted to know if they had found them. Sure enough- they had! So she came down to pick them up. When she did, the employee told her that she might want to take them to the dentist to see if they could do some serious sterilization. She replied with, "Oh no, that's okay," and proceeded to pop them in her mouth! This is NO LIE! So really, you don't want anyone else's dentures- you really don't know where they have been! HaHa

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