Family Matters

Right now our neighbors across the street are having some sort of family function. So far there are 18 vehicles parked at and around their house. Before long we'll be unable to get out of our driveway. If nobody hears from us by Monday, send help.


Joel said…
Make that a full 20.
)en said…
joel, if you need some ideas of things to do on a saturday night, just ask.
)en said…
i joke! if you would like to hear what i did on saturday night, i'd be glad to share. it involves a lot of sitting on my arse.
Joel said…
Surely you know me well enough to know that I know you well enough to know that you were joking.
Heidi said…
you live across the street from me? I never knew. (we actually had around 30 people at my small house for a birthday. And that is with at least 8 people not showing up!)
Joel said…
Well, your popularity notwithstanding, those 30 people does not equal 30 cars, unless kids are driving at a younger age these days. In this case, the cars averaged 4 people each, so we’re talking close to a hundred people.

Also, I’m sorry for not showing up. I’m sure my invitation got lost in the mail.
Heidi said…
yeah, except most my in-laws have 3 - 4 cars for a 2 licesned people family. So I guess they brought all their extra cars just to bug you.

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