My Darling Clementine

I feel so ashamed that I used to be in the dark. I mean, I actually used to eat tangerines. I know, it’s shameful, but I had not yet tasted the sweet manna of clementines. Clementines are a particular variety of mandarin orange, and they are so wonderfully sweet and juicy that I’m salivating just thinking about them. They’re really easy to peel, too. If you have never had one, I insist that you drop whatever you’re doing and head off to the store to find them. I know it sounds strange, especially if you’ve had canned mandarin oranges, which are pretty terrible to eat plain. But you won’t regret it.

One other fruit that might be even more delectable than clementines is the Asian pear. You occasionally see them around here, but they’re about the size of an apple. The pears they grow in Korea are the size of a grapefruit. They have the delicious taste of a pear and the crisp flesh of an apple. You can sometimes find them in Asian markets; they’re not quite as good when they’ve had to travel so far, but they’re still worth trying.


Jer said…
You FOOL! You haven't lived until you've eaten a perfectly ripe Bowen Mango right off the tree...

Sorry, gotta go clean up the drool now.
)en said…
clementines and asian pears are the best. I'm very glad you've discovered them. I'm pretty sure I can eat an entire box of clementines in one sitting.
Kevin Lloyd said…
You speak particularly of clementines without making mention to the particular way that you sometimes peel them. I have such great memories of trying to get the inside out without damaging the exterior. Oh, Asian pears are delicious. I saw some pretty big ones the other day at Costco, but you have to buy enough for a polygamist family. You can usually find them at place like good earth or wild oats
Todd said…
About a month ago I went into one of my coworkers office. I looked on his desk and saw an Asian pear. I was shocked. Apparently he has a Asian pear tree in his back yard. He actually gave me half of his pear. That made my day.
Brooke said…
I love love love Asian pears! They are delicious!

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