Mouse Update

We caught a mouse back in the print room the other day, so that might be our little chocoholic friend. But for a while I'm leaving the mousetrap baited with a little bit of Three Musketeers in my drawer just in case the culprit is still running around.


)en said…
Are you going to take an "after" picture with the mouse caught dead in the trap? I think it's only fair.
Joel said…
I suppose I could, although I'm starting to think the one we caught the other day is it. I'll let you know on Monday.
)en said…
I'm just kidding, I don't think I want to see that. But if you come into the office on Monday and it smells like poo, you know what that means.
Joel said…
No mouse over the weekend, so I think we had already taken care of the perpetrator. Now I wonder if I can grab that chocolate without setting off the trap...

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