Duck and Cover

Nature is going to get you pretty much wherever you live, and for a long time I've wanted to compare geographic areas where certain natural disasters are likely to occur. So, based on maps I found at government websites and the Red Cross, here's a reasonably accurate representation of the risks you run when you choose a place to live. I couldn't find any decent maps showing extreme heat in the summer or extreme cold in the winter, but those combined cover pretty much the whole country, so keep that in mind as you look at this.


Joel said…
BTW, that brown spot in the Appalachians is another earthquake hotspot.
Joel said…
Oh, and this would be a lot more interesting if we factored in man-made risks to your health like crime and reality TV.
Lizzy said…
The timing of your post is really funny. Since October is now the time I'm always thinking about emergency preparedness, because 2 years ago we were in Buffalo, NY for what was aptly called "The October Storm." A freak snow storm that downed thousands of trees not to mention power lines, etc. We were only out of power for 3 days but others were out for up to 2 weeks. But even 3 days without heat, hot water, a stove, refrigerator, etc. with a 1 1/2 year old was not pleasant, I was thankful to be 6 months pregnant and much warmer that way. Also thankful when I remembered we had a DVD player for our car that we had gotten for driving to Utah (not doing that again) and Natalya could watch Winnie the Pooh again.
Wow that was a long post. Feel free to edit Joel.
I just moved from Indiana. They have tornados all the time and they had a major flood this last spring. When I moved to California, it was the same weekend as hurricane Ike. I guess wherever you live, there is something.

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