I'm Even Clever in My Dreams

Last night I dreamed that I came up with a clever idea for a blog post, so I wrote it down in the dream. But when I woke up, I couldn’t remember it. Oh well, at least I got to post about having the idea…


Yeah, last night I dreamed I sold my old house and I had a car that wasn't a stick shift, so I could actually drive it. Too bad...
)en said…
pffft. anyone can say "I dreamt of the most brilliant post but i forgot it." I need proof to decide cleverness. I'm harsh, I know. But you'll thank me for it.
Joel said…
Whoa, now. I never said brilliant, just clever. And that reminds me, the whole point of the post was not the idea, but that even in my dreams I'm looking to entertain you all.
Brooke said…
Well, I for one am honored that you're working even in dreams to entertain us. Now, make it happen! :)

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