
All right, musically inclined people, I want an answer to something. Why does an octave have 7 notes instead of 8? It really needs to be a “septive” instead. And don’t give me that “It’s from low do to high do crap either. Can I say I work from Monday to Monday and collect 6 days’ worth of pay? No. Counting from do to do is only 7 notes. Mathematically, that’s like saying 12–5 is 8: it doesn’t work because you don’t count the 12. You count from 12 to 11 (1), from 11 to 10 (2), from 10 to 9 (3), from 9 to 8 (4), and from 8 to 7 (5).

Sorry, it’s been a bit of a tense day.


)en said…
I can't explain music mathematically because i am a math moron. But I think it's less of a process thing and more of an interval thing maybe? Like, you have to count the actual note you begin with because there's nothing between each note. (as opposed to time, from one day to the next. There IS time in-between) THere now, does that clear it up? ha ha. Yeah, i don't know. But i do know that that starting note is very important. I like music.
ATH79 said…
What?? Maybe I don't understand because I'm a horrilbe violin player. Or it could be I'm no good with the english language. You take your pick.
Lizzy said…
It involves the steps between notes. There are full steps and half steps. Half steps would be the black notes on the piano if you play middle C to an octave above. If you count the steps between it is eight. Also if you just used a to g and didn't go a to a it would just sound wrong. It's an aesthetic thing as well. It just sounds wrong and you try to fix it, because a to g puts you in a minor key, and a to a is a major key. Is this enough rambling for you? I hope I explained enough for you to continue your rant.
Joel said…
That actually makes sense. Kudos to you, Lizzy! Now I can sleep soundly again.
The Kyles said…
Did I lead you to this bitter illogical conclusion? It is called an octave because it doesn't have to do with the notes as much as it does the overtone series. And there is no way I can explain that to you in a little comment, and besides I can't talk about music without using my hands so I it makes it pretty hard to type.
The Kyles said…
and jen's right it is an interval thing. which I also have to explain while talking with my hands...

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