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When the economy stops circling the drain and drops in, how will you respond?

a) Curl up in a fetal position and cry

b) Grow a beard and move to the desert

c) Sell pencils (and possibly organs) on the street

d) Loot as many stores as possible

e) Find yourself a nice little dumpster and settle in; then begin training rats and raccoons to become your unholy army of the night

f) _________________________________


Lizzy said…
F) Be thankful that my husband works for an Italian company and is in the medical industry. Thus not likely to lose his job.
)en said…
I will pack up and build a log cabin in the mountains and be a mountain woman like i was meant to be.
Joel said…
You really have some mountain man obsession, don't you?
)en said…
It would appear that way, wouldn't it. I don't know why, but i guess yes, i do. :)
Todd said…
I will sell tickets to the "Amazing Joel Show". The tickets will be cheap, and the skunks will be plentiful.
F)Be glad my husband is in the military and they pay for my house.
ATH79 said…
I'm just glad that Dan has job security. There are a lot of banks closing and he is the guy that goes in and closes them out when they do.
)en said…
i thought it was spelled conducive. is that the british spelling or something?
Joel said…
That's one of those words I always spell wrong for some reason. I'll get in the habit of thinking the way I want to spell it is wrong, so I go with the opposite of my gut. But then the right way starts to feel wrong, and I end up spelling it wrong often, as I did in the title of the post. I'll leave it there as a reminder of my failure...
)en said…
hahaaa. reminder of your failure. Funny stuff. I have words like that. I can't think of them now but oh, they are there.

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